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Florence 2017 XXX USIH


Florence, September 8th - September 10th, 2017

Uno Studio in Holmes will be happy to welcome all Holmesians, Sherlockians and Watsonians worldwide to celebrate together our 30th birthday. The history of our society began right here in Florence in June 1987.

The title of the conference will be "Another week later", with reference to the well-known quotation from The Adventure of the Empty House:

"...and a week later I found myself in Florence."
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Our meeting is organized in connection with "Reichenbach and Beyond - The Final Problem revisited", that our Swiss friends have planned for the weekend from Thursday 31st August to to Sunday 3rd September, 2017.
After the event in Meiringen, you will have to opportunity to enjoy a second event "A week later", and, like Holmes, you will find yourself in Florence from Friday 8th September to Sunday 10th September.

And for those who wish to try to walk right in Holmes's footsteps from Switzerland through Italy, there is the chance to join a special trip organized by our Brigitte Latella, an Usih member who is also a Swiss. Please get in touch directly with her for details about this event.

The programme of the meeting will include:
  • a session of conferences (in Italian and in English) exploring the connections between Holmes, Watson and Italy, in the premises of the Palazzo Panciatichi;
  • a visit to the Opera del Duomo Museum, with a reconstruction of the Cathedral as Holmes actually saw it in 1891;
  • a Society dinner in the breathtaking location of Piazzale Michelangelo;
  • a morning in Victorian costumes and conferences hosted in Palazzo Medici Riccardi.
So save the date and start planning you trip: this is a double Sherlockian event not to be missed, if you have the chance to.

Further information and details will be published on this page.

See you in Florence in September!